hahaha..3.00 am in the morning lo... 3 of us still like : the nite is still young :P lao yi and lao gao are watching entertainment now. still planning the xmas plan...hahaa..maybe i should make it easy n simple :->
虽然我知道你之所以对我没那以往的关怀, 是因为你真得太忙了。不过我还是有点难过的。。。 我的体谅原来有时是装出来, 不想被看穿吧!! 我不知道以后会不会更糟,不过我学会了一样东西叫-珍惜!! i'll alwiz cherish the time we have together. jz dunt think about the bad things, is the same for me to past the day, even with happy mood or bad mood, so let's choose to have a happy one. smile more so tht the person around u will feel happy also :P
"我一直在思考 让你了解我的好 却忘了 常常对你微笑" i really love to c u 对我微笑 !!
Name: x|nn|ng D.O.B: 841118 Gender: Female Occupation: engineering student Characteristic: as define for scorpio Things i Do when Sad: swimming, bathing(trust me, this is helpful),
dancing , Music time and temporarily forget everthing around, eat chocolate